Monday, January 31, 2011

Study finds Ebook readers have increased their reading habits

"In a recent study to understand how portable, multi-function devices or MFDs (e.g., iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Android devices, etc) are changing consumer book reading habits, consumers who utilized these devices expressed a tremendous affinity for them, struggling to come up with any significant shortcomings to reading ebooks on them. These consumers also revealed their specific preference for MFDs, usage occasions and their ebook purchasing habits."

The study found that the top three reasons MFD users prefer reading on their device as opposed to a hard copy book are the convenience it offers (80%), the ease of purchasing ebooks (61%) and the backlit screen (41%). Moreover, the three most common occasions for reading on MFDs are: while traveling (72%), while waiting for an appointment (72%) and while relaxing (70%).

Increased Reading
Respondents indicated they are “time-filling reading” primarily on a MFD. Because respondents nearly always have these devices with them, they use them to read ebooks during otherwise “dead” pockets of time, such as when waiting at the doctor’s office or while their kids play on the playground.

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