Saturday, December 4, 2010

San Diego DUI Defense Lawyers Warn Against Drinking and Driving During the Holiday Season

The San Diego DUI defense lawyers at the law firm known as the United Trial Group ( hereby announce that with the beginning of the annual holiday season, area residents who are celebrating in any form or fashion should take meaningful and effective steps to avoid drinking and driving. The San Diego DUI defense attorneys at the firm would also like to advise those who have been arrested for California DUI to act quickly to build a defense, as those accused of this crime have only 10 days to attempt to retain their driving privileges.
The holidays are upon us, as is the season that precedes them that involves many different celebrations. This is the time of year when people tend to reflect, relax and rejoice with family, friends and colleagues, but this is also the time of year when California DUI arrests become extremely prevalent. The San Diego DUI defense lawyers at the United Trial Group would like to provide ideas for those celebrating the holidays that will allow them to do so without taking on the risk of driving.
These ideas include:
1.    Assign a designated driver before leaving for the night to handle all driving duties and to avoid consuming alcohol.
2.    Obtain at least two phone numbers of local taxi cab companies to have on-hand to call if everyone in the group has consumed alcohol. Cab fares are generally much less expensive than the fines and costs associated with a California DUI.
3.    Plan ahead to stay the night at the location where the celebration occurs so that there is no reason to attempt to drive after consuming alcohol.

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